Travel tips

Health Care in Tourism and Prevention and Emergency Treatment of Common Tourism Diseases (II)

People suffering from carsickness, airsickness and seasickness should not eat enough before traveling and should take medicine (it is better to let them take their own medicine or the medicine provided by the doctor); If possible, let them sit in a more balanced seat. Tourists get airsick (by car or boat) during a long journey. The tour guide can ask the steward for assistance.





Personal safety precautions in tourism

The threats to personal security mainly come from two aspects: man-made and natural environment. Human factors can be divided into tourists' own factors and others' factors.





Health Care in Tourism and Prevention and Emergency Treatment of Tourism Common Diseases

Tourism is conducive to physical and mental health. In order to achieve the goal of promoting health, one problem that needs attention in tourism is disease prevention. For this reason, we should make all kinds of preparations before traveling. During traveling, we should actively carry out self-care, prevent accidental injuries and accidents, and learn to prevent some minor and common diseases. In case of accidents, we should be able to deal with them without panic.





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