Health Care in Tourism and Prevention and Emergency Treatment of Common Tourism Diseases (II)

(1) Carsickness
People suffering from carsickness, airsickness and seasickness should not eat enough before traveling and should take medicine (it is better to let them take their own medicine or the medicine provided by the doctor); If possible, let them sit in a more balanced seat. Tourists get airsick (by car or boat) during a long journey. The tour guide can ask the steward for assistance.
(2) Heat stroke
The main symptoms of heatstroke are sweating, thirst, dizziness, tinnitus, dizziness, dizziness, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, fever, and even coma in severe cases. People are prone to heatstroke if they are exposed to the sun, high heat and high humidity for a long time. Therefore, when traveling in midsummer, the tour guides should pay attention to the combination of work and rest when taking the tour group, so as to avoid tourists' activities in the hot sun for a long time. If someone suffers from heatstroke, put the patient in a cool and ventilated place, lie flat, unclip the collar, relax the belt, and if possible, let him drink a salty drink. For those who have a fever, use cold water or alcohol to rub their bodies for heat dissipation, and take necessary heatstroke prevention drugs; After relief, let Spring sit still and rest. Those with severe heatstroke should be sent to hospital immediately after necessary treatment.
(3) Food poisoning
Food poisoning is very harmful to human body. Its symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. It is characterized by acute onset, rapid onset, and short incubation period. If treatment is not timely, life will be in danger. If tourists are found to have food poisoning, they should drink more water to alleviate the toxicity, and those who are serious should be sent to the hospital immediately for rescue. Food poisoning is caused by unsanitary diet. Tour guides should guide tourists to eat in designated restaurants and remind them not to eat food from stalls at any time.
(4) Fracture
In case of fracture, tourists must be sent to the hospital for treatment in time. However, at the scene, the tour guide should make preliminary treatment within his/her ability:
1. Hemostasis. If someone breaks a bone, stop bleeding in time. The commonly used methods to stop bleeding are hand pressing, that is, pressing the blood vessels on the side of the wound close to the heart with fingers, palms and fists to stop bleeding; The pressure dressing method is to cover the wound with sterile dressing, then fold the gauze, cotton, towel, clothes, etc. into a pad of corresponding size, place it on the sterile dressing, and use bandages to compress and bind it; The tourniquet method means that the elasticity is moderate, that is, the elastic tourniquet is used to tie the wound to the big blood vessel near the heart to stop bleeding.
2. Wrapping. It is better to clean the wound before dressing. The action should be gentle and the tightness should be moderate. The knot of the bandage should not be in the wound.
3. The upper splint and the local splint are used to fix the joints at both ends and avoid rotating the fractured limb.
(5) Sudden heart attack
Tourists who have a sudden heart attack should not rush to carry or carry the patient to the hospital. Instead, they should let the patient lie on the ground with their head slightly higher. The patient's relatives or leaders or other tourists should look for backup drugs from the patient's pocket for them to take; At the same time, the ground escort moved to the nearby hospital to find a doctor for treatment, and was sent to the hospital when the condition was slightly stable.
(6) Scorpion, bee sting, snake bite
If a tourist is stung by a scorpion or bee, the tour guide should try to pull out the sting, suck out the venom with his mouth or straw, and then use soapy water. If conditions permit, wash and apply the wound with 5% soda water or 3% light ammonia water, and take painkillers. If tour guides and tourists know Chinese herbal medicine, they can mash it and apply it to the outside. Serious patients shall be sent to the hospital for rescue immediately.
If the snakebite is on the arm or leg, it can be tied with a belt 5 cm - 10 cm above the bite, but do not cut off the blood circulation. Before treatment by medical personnel, wash the working place with soap and water or cut a incision about half a centimeter deep at the poison tooth mark with a sterilized blade. The incision direction should be longitudinal parallel to the limb, and then suck out the poison with your mouth and spit it out.

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Health Care in Tourism and Prevention and Emergency Treatment of Common Tourism Diseases (II)

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Health Care in Tourism and Prevention and Emergency Treatment of Tourism Common Diseases

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