Health Care in Tourism and Prevention and Emergency Treatment of Tourism Common Diseases

Tourism is conducive to physical and mental health. In order to achieve the goal of promoting health, one problem that needs attention in tourism is disease prevention. For this reason, we should make all kinds of preparations before traveling. During traveling, we should actively carry out self-care, prevent accidental injuries and accidents, and learn to prevent some minor and common diseases. In case of accidents, we should be able to deal with them without panic.
1. Make a health check before traveling.
Please note that patients with the following conditions should stop traveling: those who have not recovered from acute illness; People with serious cardiovascular, liver, lung, kidney and other important organ diseases; Patients with various infectious diseases and inflammatory attacks; Those suffering from chronic diseases in acute attack or active period; Patients with severe anemia due to various causes; Those who have recently suffered from cerebrovascular accident and whose condition is not stable, and those who are in the recovery period after large and medium-sized surgery.
2. Preparation of necessary medicines before traveling.
(1) Antibiotic drugs, such as acetyl helicase, and berberine tablets are prepared for intestinal infection.
(2) Antiviral drugs, such as radix isatidis for cold and cough.
(3) Antipyretic and analgesic drugs, such as aspirin, pain relieving tablets, etc.
(4) Commonly used drugs for digestive system, such as Weishuping, Shiteling, etc.
(5) Commonly used drugs for respiratory system, such as quick acting cold capsule, Yinqiao detoxification pill, Caoshanhu buccal tablet, watermelon cream buccal tablet, etc.
(6) Sedative and hypnotic drugs, such as diazepam.
(7) Cardiovascular drugs, such as nitroglycerin, Xintongding, etc.
(8) Anti motion sickness drugs, such as Chenghunning, Yunhaining, etc.
(9) Anti allergic drugs, such as chlorpheniramine, sismin, etc.
(10) Heatstroke prevention medicine, such as Huoxiang Zhengqi Pill, cooling oil, etc.
(11) Trauma drugs, such as regular safflower oil, Yunnan Baiyao, iodine, bandages, etc.
3. Prevention and treatment of common tourism diseases
(1) There are ways to prevent carsickness and seasickness. First of all, you should be happy. Before going out, you should not drink or be too full or hungry. Generally, take one anti dizziness pill half an hour before going out. If you are carsick, you can apply a cold towel on your face and chest; Fix your eyes on a distant stationary target; If you feel sick and want to vomit, it is better to vomit as clean as possible; If you are in the car, open the window and blow the fresh wind; If you are dizzy, you should open your mouth and chew a piece of sugar to get better results.
(2) What to do with diarrhea during the journey. First of all, pay attention to food hygiene, develop good hygiene habits, and strictly prevent disease from entering by mouth. During the journey, you can also take berberine and other drugs in an appropriate amount to prevent diarrhea.
4. Accidental injury and emergency treatment in tourism
(1) Rescue of drowning. Don't panic if you find someone drowning during your trip. Those who can swim take off their shoes, socks and heavy clothes and go into the water to save people; Those who cannot swim should not only shout to others, but also throw boards, bamboo poles and other objects at the drowning person as soon as possible. After the drowning person is rescued, artificial respiration should be carried out immediately.
(2) First aid for fracture during travel. If the injured person is in shock, he/she should lie flat immediately, keep the fracture warm and cool, and give the injured person pain killers and sedatives. Open fracture should be stopped bleeding first. In case of spinal fracture, it is necessary to prevent injury to the spine due to careless handling, which may lead to paralysis. After a limb fracture, in order to avoid damaging the local muscles, blood vessels, nerves, etc., it is necessary to prevent the dislocation of the fracture end, and do not force reduction. Fix the injured limb with fixing materials such as wooden board and bamboo board.
(3) Treatment of ankle sprain during travel. In case of ankle sprain, the affected limb shall be lifted up and applied with ice bag or cold towel to relieve pain and subcutaneous bleeding, and then the ointment for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis shall be applied to the affected part. During the journey, there is neither medicine nor adhesive tape. You can also hold the sprained ankle with one hand, and hold the toe with the other hand. Shake it from the outside to the inside, then bend the toe as far as possible, and then bend the toe as far as possible. Repeat for many times, and it will be better. In case of severe sprain, such as complete ligament tear and unstable ankle joint, it is strictly prohibited to press and knead randomly, and they should be sent to the hospital immediately.
(4) Prevention and treatment of calf cramp on the way. The prevention of calf cramp is relatively simple. Massage the leg and stomach muscles before, after and before going to bed. People who often have cramps can get a good prevention effect by smearing the ginger juice mashed with ginger on their legs before swimming and fully massaging them. There are many methods of treatment, such as flipping the foot: take a sitting position, press the spastic belly of the leg with one hand, grasp the toe of the foot with the other hand, pull the foot backward to make the foot back bend, and then move the foot up and down, the cramp can be relieved. If cramp occurs during swimming, you can climb your thighs forward as far as possible, pull your toes in the direction of your body with your hands, and repeat for many times until the symptoms disappear.
(5) Hemostasis for major and minor trauma during the journey. Trauma caused bleeding during the journey. Stop bleeding as soon as possible. There are many ways to stop bleeding. If there is bleeding from a small wound and there is no foreign body in the wound, the local pressing method can be used. That is, directly cover the wound with a handkerchief, gauze, etc., and press it with your hand. Put the injured limb higher than the heart to stop bleeding quickly. Or use the palm of your hand to pat the Achilles tendon of your feet with a little force for several times, which can also stop the bleeding of small wounds. If you use medicine to stop bleeding, Yunnan Baiyao is the first choice. If the wound of a large area of limbs bleeds, a tourniquet, handkerchief, scarf, etc. can be used to bind the wound to the side close to the heart. Loosen it every hour for a few minutes, and then bind it. During the hemostasis process, the injured limb should be kept higher than the horizontal line of the heart.

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Health Care in Tourism and Prevention and Emergency Treatment of Tourism Common Diseases

Tourism is conducive to physical and mental health. In order to achieve the goal of promoting health, one problem that needs attention in tourism is disease prevention. For this reason, we should make all kinds of preparations before traveling. During traveling, we should actively carry out self-care, prevent accidental injuries and accidents, and learn to prevent some minor and common diseases. In case of accidents, we should be able to deal with them without panic.