Yunxi Qixi Cultural Tourism Festival

Yunxi Qixi Cultural Tourism Festival is held in Yunxi County, the hometown of cowherd and weaver girl, and is an important birthplace and inheritance place of Qixi culture. In recent years, Yunxi County has implemented the strategy of "establishing the county through tourism", vigorously developed cultural tourism and built China's "hometown of Qixi culture". By holding "Qixi Cultural Festival" and other major activities, the popularity and reputation of Yunxi and even Shiyan tourism have been greatly improved, and the tourism industry in Yunxi has been promoted by leaps and bounds.





Wudang Divine Drama

Wudang Divine Drama is a kind of folk drama that has been handed down in Qingtang Village, Xijiadian Town, Danjiangkou City, and the surrounding areas at the north foot of Wudang Mountain, and has been handed down for 20 generations. Around the fourth year of the apocalypse of the Ming Dynasty (1624 AD), the rich Wangs of Qingtang Village invited the Tiaozi Opera Troupe in Xichuan County, Henan Province, to form a private opera troupe with the local Bachazi Opera Troupe, so that Tiaozi Opera and Bachazi Opera can perform on the same stage and coexist for a long time. Later, Diaozi Opera gradually evolved into a god worship opera serving the Taoist activities in Wudang Mountain, incorporating Taoist music and cultural elements, and gradually evolved into the Wudang God Opera in Qingtang Village by constantly absorbing the music nutrition of Bachazi Opera and folk songs. In the Qing Dynasty, when the troupes did not sing the divine drama, they usually sang the Bachazi drama, which was mostly a small drama of life, to make trouble; Then, singing more tunes of historical plays and original plays, which played a role of the last stage. This custom was spread to the early days of liberation.





Han Diao Erhuang

Han Diao Erhuang, also known as Mountain Erhuang, is popular in Sichuan, East Gansu, South Shaanxi and Northwest Hubei. Xipi and Erhuang are the main vocals. In addition, other vocals and local folk music are also absorbed, and dialect is used for singing. The local operas of Shanerhuang system in Shiyan City, Hubei Province, which are popular in Shiyan City, have a history of more than 250 years. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, the immigrants from Huangzhou Prefecture migrated to the northwest of Hubei Province, combining the Chu tunes they brought with the dialect and folk music of the northwest of Hubei Province, and gradually forming Shanerhuang. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Shanerhuang Opera Troupe was established in Yunyang counties, and Zhuxi Opera Troupe was one of them.





Lujiahe Folk Songs

In Lvjiahe Village, Guanshan Town, Danjiangkou City, almost every family has singers, who are all over the mountains and ridges of the village. Lujiahe Village is located at the junction of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi provinces, and is deeply influenced by the culture of Chu, Ba, Qin and local Taoism, so the folk songs have formed distinctive characteristics in the process of dissemination. Lvjiahe folk songs are divided into yang songs, yin songs and long narrative poems. Yin songs, also known as "filial piety songs", "funeral songs" and "waiting for the dead", can be divided into four parts: song head, song of persuading the good, song of turning over the ridge and song of returning to the sun. They are dedicated to funerals and are usually sung at night, so they are also called "night gongs and drums". Except for yin songs, other folk songs are called yang songs. Yangge is closely related to daily customs, and can be divided into festive songs, lantern songs, drinking songs, birthday greetings songs, labor songs, children's songs, etc. The long narrative poem is a kind of libretto with story plot. Its main works include Longsanjie's Birthday Worship, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Qin Xuemei's Filial Piety. These lyrics can be sung as yang songs or yin songs. According to preliminary statistics, there are more than 15 long narrative poems circulating in Lvjiahe Village.





Temple Fair (Wudang Mountain Temple Fair)

Wudang Mountain Temple Fair is a folk custom activity evolved from the unique pilgrimage activities of believers, which is popular in Wudang Mountain area of Shiyan City. The temple fair is held twice every two years (calculated according to the lunar calendar), from the 23rd of the lunar month to the 16th of March of the next year, and from the first day of September to the tenth day of September of the following year. Among them, the temple fair on March 3rd and September 9th is the most grand.





Wudang Martial Arts

Wudang martial arts originated in Wudang Mountain, Hubei Province. Its founder was Wudang Taoist Zhang Sanfeng at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. Zhang Sanfeng skillfully integrated the essence of the Book of Changes and the Tao Te Ching with martial arts, creating Wudang martial arts with important health and fitness values, with Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Bagua Palm as the main body. Over the past few hundred years, countless Chinese cultural schools have gradually formed, which take "truth" as the core "," health preservation as the purpose "," combat as the end "," morality as the style ", and" nature as the charm ".





Folk Stories of Wujiagou

Wujiagou Village is an administrative village in Liuliping Town, west of Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. Adjacent to the Danjiang Reservoir Area, it is known as "nine ditches and eighteen depressions, one hundred single eight bifurcations, and there are people at the bifurcations". Wujiagou folktales are complete in variety and rich in content. They are divided into six categories: myth, legend, story, fable, fairy tale and joke. The first and second episodes of Wujiagou Villagers' Tales have been published, totaling 760000 words. In the 1980s, more than 1000 folk stories and more than 1000 folk songs were found in Wujiagou Village, which was named "Folk Story Village" by Hubei Folk Artists Association.





Wudang Mountain Palace Taoist Music

Wudang Taoist music is the treasure of our national music. In most cases, it is a form of performance that combines singing, dancing and pleasure. It can be divided into two categories according to the genre: "rhyme" and "brand". According to the different playing occasions, objects and purposes, the "rhyme tune" can be divided into two categories: "yang tune" and "yin tune"; "Brands" are divided into three categories: "Zhengqu", "Shuaoqu" and "Faqi". The common instrument music boards include [Mountain Goat], [wutong Moon], [Greeting the Immortals], and the chanting music boards include [General Offering], [Doulao Zan], [Wang Mu Zan], etc.





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