Lujiahe Folk Songs

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Nominating area or unit: Danjiangkou City

In Lvjiahe Village, Guanshan Town, Danjiangkou City, almost every family has singers, who are all over the mountains and ridges of the village. Lujiahe Village is located at the junction of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi provinces, and is deeply influenced by the culture of Chu, Ba, Qin and local Taoism, so the folk songs have formed distinctive characteristics in the process of dissemination.
Lvjiahe folk songs are divided into yang songs, yin songs and long narrative poems. Yin songs, also known as "filial piety songs", "funeral songs" and "waiting for the dead", can be divided into four parts: song head, song of persuading the good, song of turning over the ridge and song of returning to the sun. They are dedicated to funerals and are usually sung at night, so they are also called "night gongs and drums". Except for yin songs, other folk songs are called yang songs. Yangge is closely related to daily customs, and can be divided into festive songs, lantern songs, drinking songs, birthday greetings songs, labor songs, children's songs, etc. The long narrative poem is a kind of libretto with story plot. Its main works include Longsanjie's Birthday Worship, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Qin Xuemei's Filial Piety. These lyrics can be sung as yang songs or yin songs. According to preliminary statistics, there are more than 15 long narrative poems circulating in Lvjiahe Village.
In Lvjiahe folk songs, the dominant mode is the symbolic mode, followed by the palace mode. The melody is mainly composed of pentatonic scales, with "SolLaDo", "SolDoRe", and "DoMiSol" as the backbone tones. In terms of musical structure, the three sentence and four sentence works of Lvjiahe folk songs are roughly the same, especially characterized by the three sentence style. The representative works include "Making the Fifth Watch", "Standing on the Flower Wall", etc.

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