Draw a new picture of Shiyan tourism

Ten years of hard work and great achievements have been made in the past ten years. From October 9, our Shiyan News Broadcast launched a news column, "Special Report on the Twenty National Congress of the Communist Party of China · Extraordinary Ten Years", focusing on the fruitful results of the city's economic, social and various undertakings in the past ten years, further gathering the powerful force for the new journey and celebrating the victory of the Twenty National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Shiyan Radio and Telecommunications (all media reporter Li Gang and Xu Jing), relying on the advantages of green water and green mountains and historical and cultural resources, has comprehensively arranged diversified forms of business, such as mountain sightseeing, health resort, red tourism, rural leisure, research tourism, etc. The scale of tourism industry has grown from small to large, and the types have changed from single to multiple, realizing a new pattern of tourism development across the region, from "one branch of Wudang Mountain stands out" to "a hundred flowers bloom" everywhere.
Dancing the "dragon head" has promoted the great prosperity to retain tourists, promote the rural ecological environment protection, and achieve both economic and social benefits.




Longwanggou Village in Wudang Mountain Special Zone is the most remote mountain village in Wudang Mountain. Ten years ago, because there was no industry, the villagers' income was very low. But in the past two years, through integrating resources, introducing well-known home stay brands, they have built a boutique home stay residential group. Tourists go up to the mountain in the daytime to visit the beautiful scenery of Wudang, and stay here at night to experience the Taoist health culture of Wudang. The development of the home stay industry not only keeps tourists, but also promotes the protection of the rural ecological environment, and achieves both economic and social benefits.




Wang Tihao, secretary of the Party branch of Longwanggou Village, Wudang Mountain Special Zone, introduced that since the opening of B&B, it has increased the income of the village collective by nearly 1.2 million yuan, while driving local villagers to work nearby, with an average monthly income of 3300 yuan.




From less than 100 B&Bs ten years ago to more than 300 now, the B&B economy has become a new growth pole in the development of Wudang Mountain Scenic Area. Through in-depth exploration of Taoism, martial arts, health preservation, landscape and other resources, a number of new scenic spots such as Yuxu Street, Happy Valley, and Health Preservation Valley of the Eight Immortals Temple in Wudang Mountain have been opened, realizing the transformation from sightseeing tours to leisure tours, experiential tours, and vacation tours, from ticket economy to comprehensive tourism industry economy, and from building scenic spots to building "all-around scenic spots".




Su Fang, the publicity minister of the Wudang Mountain Special Tourism Economic Zone, said that the home stay economy has changed from a single "ticket economy" to achieve the common development of a variety of forms of business, from sightseeing on the mountain attractions to tourism on the mountain and down the mountain, promoting the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the cultural tourism industry.
From "one branch stands alone" to "a hundred flowers bloom"




Taking Wudang Mountain Scenic Area as the leader and the whole region tourism as the main line. In the past ten years, our city has made every effort to upgrade the tourism industry. Fangxian Xiguan Impression Scenic Area is one of the representatives. Xiguan Impression, formerly known as Xiguan Street in Fangxian County, was built in the Tang Dynasty, formed in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was once a bustling ancient commercial port. After the implementation of the restoration project in 2017, it became a model for activating local culture with cultural creativity.
Luo Liangjun, deputy general manager of Fangxian Xiguan Old Street Culture and Tourism Co., Ltd., introduced that the original intention of Fangxian Xiguan Old Street was to show the cultural heritage of Fangxian County, the culture of the Book of Songs and intangible cultural heritage, and to introduce new business forms.




In the past two years since the opening of the street, Xiguan Impression has received 6 million tourists, realizing a comprehensive tourism income of 200 million yuan.




Create a tourism with culture, and promote culture with tourism. As the "birthplace of Qixi culture", Yunxi County has effectively "activated" Qixi Intangible Cultural Heritage folk customs, and created a new tourism path integrating folk culture and natural ecological protection.























