Personal safety precautions in tourism

The threats to personal security mainly come from two aspects: man-made and natural environment. Human factors can be divided into tourists' own factors and others' factors.
1. Safety problems caused by human factors
(1) Adventure, exploration. This kind of accidents caused by adventure and exploration mostly happen to young tourists. So before you decide to adventure, you must consider equipment, facilities and physical conditions, not at the cost of your life.
(2) Lost in travel. The loss of tourists generally occurs in sightseeing activities or free activities. During the tour activities, tourists should pay attention to the tour schedule, the name and address of the dining point, the arrival time and stay time at each point that the guide informs every day. When you go out for free activities, please tell your guide or tour leader where you are going and when you will return. It is better to take the hotel logo and write down the hotel address and telephone number, so that you can contact the hotel and tour guide in case of loss.
(3) Public security accidents occur. Now, there are still various harassment, theft, robbery, fraud and homicide incidents in society, so there should be necessary ideological preparation and preventive measures.
(4) Fire accident occurs. To prevent fire, tourists should pay attention to the following points:
• After smoking in the guest room, be sure to put out the cigarette butt and do not throw it anywhere. Because the hotel floor is mostly carpeted, it is easy to burn.
• Use the electrical appliances in the guest room scientifically, and do not burn the electrical appliances to cause a fire.
• Do not use your own electrical appliances with high wattage, so as to avoid fire after exceeding the voltage load of the whole hotel.
After arriving at the hotel, make some preparations for dealing with the fire, such as being familiar with the emergency exit, emergency exit and emergency staircase of the floor; Read the wiring diagram behind the guestroom door carefully.
In case of fire, pay attention to the following points:
• Be calm and don't jump off the building. When the guide comes to help, you should cooperate with the guide and accept the unified command.
• Do not take the elevator, but take the safety stairs.
• If you are surrounded by fire and smoke, you can stick your face close to the wall or the wall root, or cover your face with a wet towel and climb out along the wall, or open the windows of the unburned side.
• If you are surrounded by fire and smoke, but the bathroom has not been spread, you can consider staying in the bathroom and covering your mouth and nose with a wet towel for rescue.
• When you see the rescuers, you should shout or shake the colorful clothes while shouting. The rescuers should obey the command after coming.
2. Problems caused by natural factors
(1) Poisoning. On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent food poisoning. Eating rotten and unclean food and drinking polluted water can cause poisoning; On the other hand, in nature tourism, many plants are poisonous, especially when traveling in the southern tropical forests, we should pay more attention to the harm of poisonous plants to people. Tourists should not walk alone in the original secondary forest which is difficult to walk.
(2) Animal injury. Snakes are the small animals that are most likely to happen and meet in tourism accidents. In order to prevent being bitten by snakes, when traveling in a place with deep grass and dense forests, it is better to wear long pants and stockings, a straw hat or a sunshade hat, and a cane or a bamboo pole in your hand. You can beat the grass to drive away snakes and insects. The best way to deal with snakes is to calm down. Don't panic, run or ignore them. As long as you don't hurt them and leave them, you will be safe. In case of being bitten by a snake, don't worry. Be calm. If you don't take strenuous exercise, your life will not be in danger immediately. To actively handle, first ligate the upper limbs of the wound, and never use your mouth to remove the drug to prevent the drug from entering your mouth. Squeeze the wound with your hand, wash it with water, apply snake powder to the wound, and send it to the hospital for further treatment.
Animals other than snakes are rarely encountered in tourist scenic spots. You don't need to panic if you encounter them occasionally. Just avoid them quietly. Generally, these beasts rarely attack people on their own initiative.

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