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Fang County Yellow Rice Wine

Content Overview

Fang County Yellow Rice Wine is a special product of Fang County, Hubei Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.



Fang County Yellow Rice Wine is a special product of Fang County, Hubei Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.

Sensory characteristics of Fangxian yellow rice wine: slightly yellow in color, clear, transparent and shiny. It has the unique rich mellow and elegant mellow flavor of yellow rice wine, without peculiar smell. The taste is mellow, soft, fresh and sweet.

Yellow rice wine is a Chinese specialty, also known as rice wine. It belongs to brewing wine and plays an important role in the world's three major brewing wines (yellow rice wine, wine and beer). Fang County Yellow Rice Wine is mild, mellow and long. It has a special fragrance, fresh and delicious. It is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids, including 3100 mg of essential amino acids and 2830 mg of semi essential amino acids per liter of wine. It also contains rich inorganic salts and trace elements. As many as 15 kinds of inorganic salts have been detected, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other major elements and iron, copper, zinc, selenium and other trace elements.

Yellow rice wine is a special product of Fang County with a history of 1000 years. As early as the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was famous as a tribute in Beijing. Fang County rice wine originated in the Zhou Dynasty and flourished in the Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, "Baimao" is the earliest appellation of Fang County yellow rice wine, and later, "yellow rice wine", "imperial wine", and "white horse urine". In the first year of Sisheng (684), Li Xian, the son of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, was demoted by his mother Wu Zetian to Fangling (the old name of Fangxian County) as the King of Luling. He liked to drink this kind of wine most and was called the "wine tasting master". He once wrote a poem, "This wine should only be available in the sky, and there is no quantity in the Jade Pool. One day, the dragon will drive back to Chang'an and send me 30000 dendrobium every year." Later, King Luling presented it to Wu Zetian as a tribute. Therefore, Fangxian Yellow Rice Wine is also called "Imperial Wine", which has since become a royal flavor. In 18 dynasties from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, there were 23 imperial figures who got involved with Fang County rice wine, which is a great wonder of wine culture in China and even the world.

On April 9, 2014, the former AQSIQ approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Fangxian Yellow Rice Wine".

Brewing technology

1. Technological process: soaking rice → steaming rice → cooling rice → pre fermentation → post fermentation → pressing → clarification → sterilization → filling.

2. Process points:

(1) Soak rice: Soak rice for 10 to 12 hours at room temperature.

(2) Pre fermentation: put the cooled rice into the fermentation tank, add rice starter (7 ‰ of the raw rice), mix evenly, and control the product temperature at 23 ℃ to 25 ℃. After 24 hours in the vat, control the fermentation temperature at 23 ℃ to 25 ℃ for 7 days.

(3) Post fermentation: 25 to 30 days of fermentation at room temperature.

(4) Pressing, clarification, sterilization and filling: separate the yellow liquid from the distiller's grains, clarify the liquor at room temperature for more than 3 days, take the upper layer of the clear liquor, filter it through a filter, and instantly sterilize and fill it.

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