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Huanghuagou Scenic Area


Content Overview

In Zhuxi, it is an ideal place for spring and autumn outings and camping. It is also an ideal place for summer vacation. It is located in Huanghuagou, Eping Township, more than 20 kilometers away from the county seat. Huanghuagou Scenic Area is located in Shanggaoqiao Village, Eping Township. Starting from the county seat, it is about 29 kilometers away via Xingjie Road to Ehong Road.



In Zhuxi, it is an ideal place for spring and autumn outings and camping. It is also an ideal place for summer vacation. It is located in Huanghuagou, Eping Township, more than 20 kilometers away from the county seat. Huanghuagou Scenic Area is located in Shanggaoqiao Village, Eping Township. Starting from the county seat, it is about 29 kilometers away via Xingjie Road to Ehong Road.

Huanghua Valley was originally a small stream that started at the southern foot of the Piantou Mountain. After hundreds of millions of years of water erosion, it has become a deep gully canyon. At the upstream of the stream, there is a small place named Huanghua. During the Eping Commune period, it was called "Dahuanghuigou" and the production team was called "Huanghua Brigade". The outlet of Huanghuagou is located between Shanggaoqiao Bridge and Xiagaoqiao Bridge, close to Shanggaoqiao Bridge. The stream in the ditch flows into Wangjiahe River, one of the tributaries of Huiwan River. The Ehong Highway connecting Eping and Zhenping, Shaanxi passes through the outlet of Huanghuagou along the Eping Reservoir. This is an original ecological area with convenient transportation, lush vegetation and beautiful scenery.

There are many explanations about the origin of Huanghua Valley. The most direct is related to yellow flowers. For a long time, it is common to see wild yellow flowers blooming in April in spring in the gullies here. The gullies are full of golden flowers, and the flowers are fragrant all over the fields. This is the name of Huanghuagou. The yellow flower is the flower bud of perennial herb perennial root plant of Hemerocallis genus of Liliaceae, which can be used as food and medicine. Huanghua has many nicknames, such as Golden Needle Dish, Seven Star Dish, Yi Men Grass and Forget Worry Grass. The day lily was first found in the Book of Songs. The Ancient and Modern Notes states that "people who desire to worry will be given red thorns". The red thorn is the hemerocallis fulva, so the yellow flower is also called the Forget Worry Grass.

Another legend is related to Zhenwu (also called Xuanwu, the local people call it the founder). A long time ago, the young founder traveled to Mount Ang Shou to practice. When he flew up, his foot missed the top of Mount Ang Shou, and Mount Ang Shou became a biased mountain. Today, many people only know about Yatou Mountain, but do not know about Ang Shou Mountain.

It was said that the founder fell down the mountain and fainted. He was found by Huang and his daughter, who were collecting medicine, and was taken home to save the injured. Huang Yaoshi's daughter, Huahua, is beautiful and in her prime. Huahua not only decocts medicine and cleans his wounds for his grandpa, but also walks with him to enjoy the beautiful scenery of mountains and valleys every day. Close contact with the young grandpa, take a walk to talk, let Huahua begin to have a crush on him. However, the Grandfather could not go against his original intention of cultivating Taoism, refused the Cupid's arrow shot by Huahua. After thanking Huang Yaoshi for saving his life, he quietly left the valley, but did not dare to say goodbye to Huahua. Hua Hua looks for her grandpa everywhere, but she never sees him again. She is heartbroken. She opens her father's back and jumps down from the mouth of the waterfall. The founder, who had been cultivating in Wudang Mountain, had telepathically sensed that Huahua would be in danger, so he came to Huanghua Valley to practice Taoism. Huahua turned into a fairy with yellow hair and yellow clothes, and the tree near the waterfall turned into a golden tree. The valley was full of golden flowers.

Since then, Huanghuahua has used the yellow flowers in the ditch and the waterfall water to eliminate diseases and disasters for the common people. There is a stronghold at the upstream of Huanghua Valley, called Anbao Stronghold. Because of the protection of Huanghua, it has never encountered banditry. Later, Huahua also drove a crane from the mountain top stockade. For a long time, people called this place Huanghuagou.

Executive Standards for Ticket Pricing of Huanghuagou Scenic Area

Listing price: 60 yuan/piece

Preferential policies for tickets of Huanghuagou Scenic Area

Free ticket: For children less than 1.2m, the active servicemen shall present their Soldier ID Card or Officer ID Card, the people's police shall present their Police Officer ID Card, the disabled persons above Grade 3 shall present their disability cards, and the 65 year old shall present their "Elderly Preference Card, ID Card" of Shanggaoqiao Village, Eping Township, the journalists and photographers shall present their press cards, and the tour guides shall present their tour guide cards.

Half price: minors between 1.2-1.5 meters, students under the age of 24 with their student cards.

Note: All the above preferential policies need to provide your ID card and relevant certificates, otherwise you will not enjoy this preferential policy.

Opening hours of the scenic spot: 7:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m. from March to November every year


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