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Jiulong Waterfall


Content Overview

Jiulong Waterfall Grand Canyon Scenic Area is located at the southern foot of Qinling Mountains, the bank of Han River, the foot of Wudang Mountain, the junction of Hubei and Henan Gorge, and the high mountains between Nanhuatang Town, Yunyang District, Shiyan City, and Daliu Township. Cliff deep streams, canyon waterfalls. The karst landforms created by the crustal movement hundreds of millions of years ago show the uncanny workmanship of nature; The footprints of ancient human labor and life 30, 000 years ago show the aesthetic model of Qin and Ba customs everywhere.


Jiulong Waterfall Grand Canyon Scenic Area is located at the southern foot of Qinling Mountains, the bank of Han River, the foot of Wudang Mountain, the junction of Hubei and Henan Gorge, and the high mountains between Nanhuatang Town, Yunyang District, Shiyan City, and Daliu Township. Cliff deep streams, canyon waterfalls. The karst landforms created by the crustal movement hundreds of millions of years ago show the uncanny workmanship of nature; The footprints of ancient human labor and life 30, 000 years ago show the aesthetic model of Qin and Ba customs everywhere.

The planned area of the scenic spot is 48 square kilometers. Relying on the natural landscape, the spirit of "Chinese dragon culture" is fully praised. In the 7 km long Grand Canyon, nine waterfalls named after the nine dragons "Jaiuniu, bi, xi, pi, xi, chi, wen, qilin, taotie, bi, an, pafu, ya, zi" are like nine dragons soaring. One waterfall at a time, roaring mountains, nine waterfalls and nine sceneries, reflecting the sky and the earth. Or hold Ling to fly, or indulge in deep pools, or be quiet as jasper, or bathe in shame. The Book of Changes says: Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman should constantly strive for self-improvement. The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things by virtue. The tranquil forest and sea reflect the colorful dragon pool, and the trickling streams converge to form a variety of waterfalls. The waterfalls and the abyss pool strike out the sounds of nature, which are soul stirring; Streams and birds, lingering love talk, talk about your feelings and my wishes!

Hide a devout heart, step into the natural Dragon Palace Hall on the cliff, look at the ancient people's hometown, calmly accept the grace of the Dragon King to cultivate and teach children, understand the best way for the dragon to raise nine children, and strike the dragon bell piously, so that you can hope your children will become dragons and your women will become phoenix.

At the foot of the Dragon King Peak, the Dragon King looks forward to warmth, and the Phoenix looks forward to seeing off. In front of the "blessing" rock, "Jiulong holds the saint, Liu Xiu bestows the blessing", takes photos of the "blessing" and brings it home.

Confucius said: The wise love water, the benevolent love mountains. The scenic spot follows the trend of the sky, and composes the Taoist law of nature and the unity of heaven and man. It has created a modern thrilling tourist experience project: cliff sightseeing train, exciting enjoyment, unique in the world; Bamboo rafts compete in the lake, glittering with water, and exotic flowers in the mountains; Steel wire racing, Lixin's courage and fear; Flying Dragon Sling, flying in the air, exciting and relieved! There is also the Jurassic Dream Drift, which makes your screams compete with the roars of dinosaurs. The original animal rafting performance makes you laugh. The 12 outward bound training programs, such as Huangban Bridge, Letter Bridge and Heart Connecting Bridge, on the 2.5km drifting river channel, enable you to gain courage and confidence in fear; In the children's water garden, the whole family sits on a treadmill and enjoys the happiness of family. The original Phoenix Valley, the deep valley gorge, is haunted by wild animals from time to time. You should travel together, not alone, and pay attention to safety. Go with your sweetheart to experience the poetic and picturesque feeling of "alone in the grass stream, with orioles singing deep in the trees". Enjoy the natural benefits, pray for happiness, and never forget to sharpen your mind.

The poem said: There are waterfalls in the canyon, and it is Kowloon. The sky reflects the sky, and the sky makes the sound of rain. When the deep streams are full, you can enjoy boating and playing with water. The soul of the Sling is uncertain. Pray for blessings and worship the Dragon Palace. Screaming through the sea, the clear water purifies the mind; Tiandan invites you to meet him. He is good at being a lucky star.

"Mountains are not high, immortals are famous, water is not deep, dragons are spiritual". The Jiulong Waterfall Grand Canyon has mountains, water, dragons, and phoenix, and the divine dragons are all spiritual.

Welcome to Jiulong Waterfall Grand Canyon.

(1) Take the bus from Sanyan Passenger Station to "Shiyan Nanhua", and then take the tourist line from "Nanhua to Jiulong Falls" (contact number: 0719-7108999).

(2) The self driving tour can go along the "Yunshi" first-class highway to Yunyang (Tanjiawan) - Yunbai Road (Nanhua Town) - Jiulong Waterfall Scenic Area.

(3) Go along the Yinwu Expressway to the exit of Liupi in Yunyang District in the direction of Xi'an and get off the expressway - Canglangzhou Bridge - Dayan - Daliu (Jintang Village) - Jiulong Waterfall Scenic Area.

(4) Along the direction of Wuhan, go to Yunyang South Expressway - Yunyang Second Bridge - Yunyang (Tanjiawan) - Yunbai Road (Nanhua Town) - Jiulong Waterfall Scenic Area.

Hotline: 0719-7108999 13593778899

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