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Immortal Leaf Cold Jelly

Content Overview

The "divine leaf" refers to the leaf of the immortal tree. "The immortal tree" is a deciduous shrub, which mostly grows on the hillside at an altitude of 700-2000 meters. The leaves are small, oval, and have small purple flowers.


The "divine leaf" refers to the leaf of the immortal tree. "The immortal tree" is a deciduous shrub, which mostly grows on the hillside at an altitude of 700-2000 meters. The leaves are small, oval, and have small purple flowers.
The divine leaf jelly is commonly known as the divine leaf jelly. In February and March of each year, the fresh and tender leaves picked are washed, soaked in boiling water, boiled, and then picked up and put into the sieve on the basin. Rub it hard with your hands to make the pulp flow into the basin. After it is cooled and solidified, cut it into small pieces and put it into a clear water basin for soaking and bleaching to reduce the bitter taste. Generally, it takes eight or nine hours to soak and bleach. The longer the bleaching time is, the less bitter the taste is. The length of soaking and bleaching can be determined according to personal taste. Then prepare the soup and make garlic water (garlic puree, water, salt, vinegar, sesame oil) and oil spiced with chili. When eating, cut the small pieces of jelly after soaking and bleaching into slices and strips, put them in a plate or bowl, pour a proper amount of soup with a spoon, and gently stir them to serve.
"Shenye Liangfen" is a unique food with local characteristics in Manchuan Ancient Town. Its color is like agate and jade, crystal clear, slightly bitter, cool and delicious, smooth and comfortable. It has the effect of clearing heat, removing fire, detoxifying and lowering blood pressure. It can prevent and cure lung heat, liver cancer, etc.

Key word:

Immortal Leaf Cold Jelly

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