Zhuxi County

Zhuxi County, Hubei Province is located in the Qinba Mountain area at the junction of Hubei, Chongqing and Shaanxi, connecting Pingli, Zhenping and Xunyang counties of Shaanxi Province in the west, Wuxi County of Chongqing City in the south and Zhushan County of the province in the east. The county is 779 kilometers away from the seat of the People's Government of Hubei Province (Wuhan City) and 232 kilometers away from the seat of the People's Government of Shiyan City (Shiyan City). Provincial Highway 305 passes through the territory from west to east, and water transportation can directly lead to the Han River. The geographical coordinates are 109 ° 29 ′~109 ° 08 ′ E and 31 ° 31 ′~32 ° 32 ′ N. The county is 51 kilometers wide from east to west, 104 kilometers long from north to south, and covers a total area of 3310 square kilometers. The seventh national population census of Zhuxi County in 2020 shows that there are 314000 permanent residents and 3571970 registered residence.

Zhuxi County, Hubei Province is located in the Qinba Mountain area at the junction of Hubei, Chongqing and Shaanxi, connecting Pingli, Zhenping and Xunyang counties of Shaanxi Province in the west, Wuxi County of Chongqing City in the south and Zhushan County of the province in the east. The county is 779 kilometers away from the seat of the People's Government of Hubei Province (Wuhan City) and 232 kilometers away from the seat of the People's Government of Shiyan City (Shiyan City). Provincial Highway 305 passes through the territory from west to east, and water transportation can directly lead to the Han River. The geographical coordinates are 109 ° 29 ′~109 ° 08 ′ E and 31 ° 31 ′~32 ° 32 ′ N. The county is 51 kilometers wide from east to west, 104 kilometers long from north to south, and covers a total area of 3310 square kilometers. The seventh national population census of Zhuxi County in 2020 shows that there are 314000 permanent residents and 3571970 registered residence.